Day 8

30 04 2010

Today was a pretty laid back day, it was gorgeous outside again….around 80 degrees, so its a shame that I was feeling lazy and skipped my walk today in favor of a book.

Breakfast was an EAS chocolate protein shake (only good when they are cold btw, otherwise they have a chalky aftertaste).

Lunch was light since I wasn’t very hungry, just half a thin bun with some almond butter.

Dinner was delicious!!!!  I made a veggie frittata with pretty much every vegetable I had in the fridge.

Pre-heat the oven to 400

You can make this fritatta as veggie filled as you want, but I’ll give you what I used:

Half a bag of baby spinach, sautéed until it shrivels up a bit.

1 whole small tomato, chopped into cubes and sautéed.

1/4 of a bell pepper (I used red because it gave the fritatta a nice color), chopped and sautéed.

I cup of mushrooms (I used baby bellas), chopped and sautéed.

1 clove of garlic, minced and sautéed (I sautéed it at the same time as the bell pepper and mushrooms).

1 piece of multi-grain bread.

8 eggs (4 of those eggs are egg whites only)

1/2 cup of low-fat shredded mozzarella cheese

dash of salt, pepper, oregano and thyme

While the oven is pre-heating, chop all your vegetables and set aside.

I sautéed the spinach first in a little EVOO until it wilted down, then I removed from the pan and set aside.

I followed the same step with the tomato and set aside with the spinach.

I sautéed the bell pepper, garlic and mushrooms at the same time, and removed the pan from the heat and set aside.

In a medium sized bowl I beat together 4 whole eggs and 4 egg whites and added the salt, pepper, oregano and thyme.

I added the spinach and tomato in layers to the skillet with the bell pepper, garlic and mushroom in it.

I cut the piece of whole wheat bread into small cubes and added that on top of the veggies.

I then poured the egg mixture on top, and topped with the shredded cheese.

Cook on a burner over medium heat until the edges begin to set, then put the skillet in the oven for 10-15minutes until the eggs are fluffy and the cheese has melted and begun to brown.

It was soo good!

Hope everyone had a good day, I’m going grocery shopping tomorrow for some healthy goodies!!!