Day 9

30 04 2010

Well today was a busy day! I got up early and had a bowl of Fiber One Honey Clusters with some unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze, fantastic as always.  Then I got ready and headed out on my adventure to Trader Joe’s!  Check out how that went here.

I got a lot of great stuff that I can’t wait to try, and I was going to go to Whole Foods too, but traffic is ridiculous around here right now due to a lot of simultaneous road construction (bad planning) so I had to skip it.  My fridge and my freezer are officially jam packed full of food (oh and my pantry too!) so expect lots of recipes and pretty pictures over the course of this next week.

Lunch was an EAS protein shake that I grabbed to take with me since I knew I’d be on the road and didn’t want to be tempted by any drive-thrus.

After I went home to unpack my goodies I rushed over for my second day of physical therapy (I hit major traffic AGAIN and was late).  Boy oh boy is my physical therapist kicking my but.  My abs were still sore from the core exercises from Wednesday and we did more for almost the entire session today.  I was soooo happy when it was time for my electro-stimulation and ice!  However, after just two sessions, even though I may be sore, I can already notice a difference in how I carry myself and my clothes feel a bit looser (although that could be the 3lbs I lost last week).  I am bummed though, my walking has been going so well that I was hoping that I could bump it up to jogging-even for short intervals- since I’m trying to do the Couch to 5k plan.  But my therapist gave me a firm NO on that, and I had a feeling she would since my bone graft hasn’t completely set yet, I thought the impact might be too much.  Oh well, she says maybe by mid-May, so for now I’ll just keep up my walking.

I had planned to make the curry chicken tenders that I got at Trader Joe’s for dinner tonight along with some steamed veggies and quinoa, unfortunately my boyfriend called and said that he was tied up at work and wouldn’t be home until around 11pm so I decided to postpone that for another night.  So I’m being boring and just having leftover veggie frittata from last night (sorry guys).  But tomorrow I’m going to a BBQ (my first social test since starting this challenge, lets see how I do) so I promise to post lots of pictures of yummy food.

I also found a recipe for zero carb ( well 0.9g of carbs) Cheetos that I’m DYING to try.  So I’ll keep you guys updated on how that goes 🙂

Anyways, hope you had/are having a great Friday!